I love what I do!
All summer I’ve been cooking for many people and traveling all over the country and the world trying to share my gift with the masses.
From San Fran, Dallas, Arizona, Miami, NY and Europe I’ve been sharing food stories, and laughs with a lot of people and celebrities I might not have met if I wasn’t a personal chef or maybe I would’ve met them but I’m glad that get to witness so many people enjoy my food.
As an ex- professional dancer I thought I was going to become very bored with the culinary world, but when I made the switch years ago I really didn’t know what to expect.
It was a hard long road in the beginning. Odd task such as schucking oysters, peeling hundreds of potatoes, washing pounds and pounds of lettuce among other task were the norm even before I was trusted enough to actually cook anything. I have to say those days slaving at many many restaurants all over Los Angeles were very good training grounds more than any cooking school could ever teach an individual and while I was being paid handsomely as well.
Now that I’ve been a personal chef for many years now I’m very greatful to those tortuous task that I cursed as I was performing them. Eventhough I still hate the fact that I had to do them I’m glad that I did because it has made me the chef I am today!!!
Lovejoy Cole
The Dancing Chef
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